Never Date A Girl Like This...
One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was dating an entitled girl.
She thought she was the $hit.
She expected people to bend and fold for her and nothing was ever good enough.
Food was too oily.
Food was too salty.
Music was too loud.
Water was too warm.
Blah, blah, blah.
She once threw her toys out of the cot when I surprised her to take her out for dinner but she wasn't wearing a dress because of what people might "think" when they see her.
Maybe other guys are into that but that really didn't sit well with me.
And if anyone needs to hear this quote, she does (but I bet she's unsubscribed by now haha).
“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got.”
Biggs Burke.
Here's the deal...
No one owes you anything but you owe everything to yourself.
To be healthier.
To be happier.
To be wealthier.
You owe it to you because it gives you a better life.
Don't do it for others and what they'll think and who they'll talk to about you.
That's small.
Do it for the better life that you want for yourself.
Hit the button below and take that step to making your life better for YOU.