Got No New Year Resolutions? Use these 5 📚

Happy New Year 🥳

You're probably very excited to tackle the year.

But some of you could literally be shitting yourself because you're not ready for a new year to begin.

You feel behind.

You feel like your ducks aren't in a row.

You still haven't hit your 2022 goals.

So here's 5 New Year Resolutions that you can steal from me and apply today to have a more productive and healthy 2023:

1. Read more books.

The worst thing you could do after finishing school is think that your education stops.

As soon as you finish your last day of college / high school and walk off campus, your education begins.

Think about how much you apply what you learnt at school on a day to day basis.


Now think of everything you want to improve at.

Financial skills.




Attracting a mate.

Developing closer relationships.

These skills don't magically acquire themselves and the knowledge doesn't just appear.

Get your head in some books or get your headphones in and listen to Audiobooks.

“If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.' -
Benjamin Franklin

2. Go for a 15min walk every day.

We are moving less and less as our life becomes more convenient.

Uber eats.

Door dash.


We're so bloody busy we get our groceries delivered to our door.

Swiping left and right on Tinder instead of socialising out and about at a party/bar.

Exercise is medicine and a lot of people are unhealthy because they are missing out on the key pillar of life: movement.

Take 15mins, at least, and get moving. Your health (blood flow, joints, hearts and muscles) will thank you for it.

3. Call your Nana more often.

One thing I intentionally did last year was call my Nana more often.

I called her ever 2-3 weeks, which was a huge improvement from calling her every couple of months.

She is my mum's mum and turns 90 this year and has recently been put in a retirement home and last time I called her was the first time that she said it was nice to hear my voice.

There's something about staying connected to family that keeps you grounded and has led me to call other friends and family more often too.

So if you have a nana, call her.

If you have a father that lives abroad, call him.

As much as it fulfils you, it fulfils them too.

4. Play more board games.

It's too easy to sit in front of the TV and blob out.

So, I challenge you to get some board games and start playing with your flat mates, girlfriend, mother or husband.

It's fun, stimulating, challenging and deepens the relationships you have with whoever you're playing with.

If you don't have any, here's a few card games I highly recommend:
- Monopoly Deal (More fun version of Monopoly that only takes 15mins to complete).
- One Night Ultimate Werewolf (could potentially cause a divorce)
- Exploding Kittens
- Unstable Unicorns

5. Stop multi-tasking.

Multi-tasking is a term that was originally created for computers, not humans.

This isn't how human minds work despite what women say about being able to multi task.

Take a look at what we try and do while on our phones.

Distracted driving (on your phone and driving) is a huge problem.

Trying to talk or listen to someone while texting is literally impossible. Please don't do this around me, I hate it.

Even walking and trying to text is difficult, most people have to stop if it's a serious text.

"If you don't prioritise your life, someone else will." - Johann Hari.

This is a quote from the book 'Stolen Focus' by Johann Hari, which absolutely changed my life about trying to multi-task and encouraged me to get into the flow state when working and doing anything that I'm doing.

I recommend you add that to your list of reads if you struggle to focus.

Happy New Year, I trust these 5 points will help you attack 2023 with refreshed zeal and vigour for growth and greatness.


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