Common Sense Approach To Parenting & Staying Fit (Also Relates To Non-Parents)

Read this image before reading the rest of the e-mail.

In a matter of days, I have been asked many questions relating to parenting and working out and I think it all boils down to a couple of things:

1) Communicating your goals, desires and needs with the father/mother of your child.

2) Creating a system to make those goals, desires and needs met.

3) Compromising when they can't get met.

I'm no life coach, parenting coach or motivational speaker but I do know that if you don't have the systems in place to achieve your goals, they will never be actualised.

And this is the step you need to take before you even think about creating a calorie deficit, starting a Team Brock Ashby workout program and getting fit.

Because if you can't keep it up for longer than a week, then why the hell are you starting?

Common sense is something that drives how I coach and live my life and it has never failed me, so implement it now.

Have the hard conversation NOW because if you don't do it now, you'll have it later and it will be a huuuuge kafuffle and you will have never stepped foot in the gym for 2 years.

Don’t let that be you.

Get your shit sorted so you can flourish as a parent, as a single man, as a dating woman or whoever you are.

There is a way you can achieve your goals, you just need to prioritise them!

Hit the blue button below when you're ready to begin a life changing body transformation 👇


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