Wisdom Wednesday: How To Navigate A World Of Information Overload 🌎

Wisdom Wednesday

Today I am writing an email to you but ultimately to myself (really).

I figured, if you read my Famous Motivational Emails every time they come through and vibe with them, you will be a pretty similar person to me and go through similar struggles as me.

So let me get this off my chest... I think I have a problem.

I'm addicted to information.

Good podcast? I'll listen to it while I'm driving.

Good book? You know I'm listening to it while I workout.

New exercise mentioned on Instagram? Of course, I'm breaking it down.

New Youtube video on foot locks? I'm studying it to get better at BJJ.

I want to know everything, if it's going to add value to my life.

BUTI'mspending too much time consuming and not enough creating.

I'm consuming content as opposed to creating it.

I'm consuming ideas as opposed to generating my own.

I'm consuming research as opposed to observing my own.

This day and age we have an information overload, which is new because we used to have a lack of information.

So today I'm pulling back from podcasts, books, research and 'experts' to become my own expert and I urge you to do the same.

It's still important to grow your education and absorb good knowledge but not at the expense of losing your voice, hunger and drive for the authenticity within yourself (that no one else can possibly have).

In other words, stop wondering and begin doing.

And if that's changing your body fat and building muscle mass, hit the button below and DO TODAY.


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