We Don't Deserve Animals 🦮😭

Yesterday, I got a message from an old client/friend of mine saying that she now excitedly owns a rescue dog.

She explained that after 11 years, his previous owners had just simply had enough.

They just thought, "that's enough" and handed him in to be a rescue dog.

That triggers me.

That pisses me off to be honest.


If you can't look after a dog after 11 years, don't buy one in the first place.

Dogs are the most loyal creatures you can ever find.

Have you ever found a dog that will try to manipulate you?

Never. They are who they are and they will love you forever and go trough everything with you, positive or negative.

They forgive you when you don;t treat them right and they will always give you a cuddle when you want one.

In some aspects, you could even say they are better to have around then humans 😂

But when you think about it, a lot of humans do the exact same thing with their bodies after a few years too.

They try to do their best to look after their body.

They might start working out, eating healthy, going for walks and trying to sleep early but find out that it's actually very hard to do it consistently.

Then they give up.

It takes discipline to go to bed early and prioritise time to recover and rest.

It takes dedication to do a workout, when you feel like watching a movie on the couch with a tub of Ben & Jerry's.

It's not easy.

But things that aren't easy are always the best things for us.

So don't hand in your body after a few attempts to the rescue shelter.

Take some ownership, pull your finger out of your a$$ and be responsible for your health like that previous dog owner should have done with their dog.

Don't give in.

Don't be weak.

Take ownership.


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