5 Nutrition Tips on Christmas Eve Eve 🎅🏼
Here we are, 2 days out from Christmas.
Pressed for time, doing as little work as we can get away with and spending every free minute running around getting xmas presents.
I want to look forward a couple of days to help you manage your nutrition through the holiday season through 5 steps.
1. Set a goal and be clear about that goal.
Do you want to get leaner through Christmas?
Do you want to eat whatever you want and let January deal with the repercussions?
Do you want to maintain and stay where you are?
Many people end up upset after xmas with the progress they haven't made which is why it's clear to outline your intentions. I prefer to change my goals to MAINTENANCE through the holiday season. I'm fully aware that I'm not going to get leaner, so I'm not upset when I don't. It's all about setting a goal first.
2. One hot day doesn't make a summer.
A summer is made of many consecutive hot days, not just one hot day. I want you to look at your diet the same way. If you have a few days over the holiday season where you eat and drink a bit too much, do not stress too much. Focus on what makes the summer, a summer. CONSECUTIVE hot days.
3. Get that protein on your plate.
Protein makes you feel fuller for longer. Prioritise the xmas ham or turkey first and it is more than likely that you won't "go crazy" on the pudding but still be hungry enough to enjoy it.
4. Eat nostalgic foods.
This has nothing to do with fitness but more so about general happiness. When I used to have Christmas back home, my Nana would always make me the best trifle. I loved it. Absolutely loved it and I still do. It made my heart warm, reminded me that I was on holidays and with my family and nothing on the agenda but swimming, sun and giving and unwrapping presents. So, I want you to do the same. Enjoy your holidays.
5. Drink a lot of water and a bit of alcohol.
Most of the times we eat, we are thirsty. It's a common mistake we make so there's a simple fix, get hydrated. Lastly, if you like alcohol, have a few glasses. I never think getting drunk beyond control is wise and I think almost always leads to over eating, more drinking and ruining your and other peoples night. Have a few but swap over to the waters, when you get tipsy.
2 more days till xmas, I get giddy in my stomach.
Hope you are too.
I know not everyone celebrates xmas and not everyone has family to share it with.
However, you choose to spend I hope you find it recharging, refreshing and happy.
Much love and happy holidays, Brock.