C*vid Comeback, Take That!

I'm finally better and getting on my feet on the back of feeling absolute trash for a week down with the virus.

And I feel like a snowball falling down the mountain side and picking up momentum day by day.

I'm working out every day.

I'm back to work like normal punching out programs, videos, emails, learning.

I've been able to enjoy my food and actually feel hungry and enjoy the taste of food.

And tonight, something really special happened...

I received my first white belt stripe at my first session back at Jiu Jitsu.

And even though it's just a white piece of tape on my belt, it's much more than that.

It's progress.

Each stripe is a measure of progress.

Get four stripes and then your 'next stripe' is a new coloured belt.

You go from white belt to blue belt to purple belt to brown belt to black belt.

The stripes are your steps in between and even though this is Jiu Jitsu we're talking about, this applies in life.

Earn your stripes and the belts will come.

You shouldn't be striving for the black belt, you should be striving for the next stripe.

Just like when you're trying to lose weight, don't aim for 10kg. Aim for 1kg and do it 10x over.

Or like when you're growing a business. Don't aim for $1,000,000 per year, aim for getting your first client.

Great things aren't achieved by one win but many small wins being achieved over and over again.

Don't focus on the achievement but the little goals that you need to hit to get there.

Stripes, not belts.

Process, not outcome.

Focus on training your ass off at the next workout.

Focus on the next meal serving your goals.

Focus on your next sleep helping you recover.

Focus on your thoughts of yourself and ensure they build you up.

Focus on your workout program that should be a Team Brock Ashby workout program (and if not, click here below and get on board)!


Flying To The Gold Coast + Meeting Aria 🚼


2022... Rough Start 😤🤕