A Diamonds Need Pressure + Heat, So Do U 🔥
I don't think we have "it" anymore.
I mean, some of us do.
But most of us are getting "soft".
We're losing the work ethic needed to get the job done.
We're so used to getting everything handed on a plate.
Yesterday, on the podcast I was chatting to my client Ricardo about how the shitty jobs I did growing up are the ones that gave me the job I love today.
It taught me what I was good at, what I sucked at and also what I didn't like.
Sometimes doing things that you hate, bring out what we love.
We need these hard times to strengthen us and give us the tools to get through more hard times that come, because truth is... they aren't going anywhere!
Instead of running from hard times, we need to run towards them.
Just like diamonds are made from constant time under heat and pressure, great people are made being outside their comfort zone and put under pressure.
It forces out to grow and develop which remaining stagnant can't do.
If you're feeling stagnant and want to grow and develop into the physique and person that you know you can be, click here.
Diamonds are not made without heat or pressure.