I Need Your Advice, I'm Building The Best PT Platform In The World...

This is one of the biggest decisions of my career.

I'm creating my own Team Brock Ashby platform.

My own app.

Yes, custom built for you. The Team Brock Ashby members!

MYPTHUB has been a great platform and still is a great platform to achieve your fitness goals with but I sat down yesterday with a developer based here in Sydney and said... "Let's Go!"

I've always wanted my own platform and have tried before (2019) and got ripped off, lost a lot of cash (equal to a persons salary) with no product to show and have been rebuilding to a point where I'm ready to invest again.

I'm being very transparent with you because:

A) That's who I am

B) It opens up the door for you to be just as transparent with me and for us to trust each other with the way we communicate.

So here's all I asking of you...

1. Watch the video below.

2. Reply to this email with your feedback of what it's been like working with me on the current platform. I.e. What you have liked, what you think can be improved, what looked weird, what didn't make sense, what surprised you, what is broken etc etc

I'm willing to hear it all.

Whether that makes me feel good or die on my sword.

I'm willing to put my feelings aside and create the best personal training platform for YOU.

Thank you so much in advance.

Your coach, Brock 💪


It Hurts To Touch My Head... 🤕


Cost or Value, What Really Matters 💵