A quote that can stop you from being scared of failure

So often we get so scared of doing something, we do nothing.

It's called fear paralysis.

Like when you want to go the gym but you're scared of what people may think of you if you do exercises wrong or you have sweat patches.

Or like when you want to quit your job and find one that fulfils you but you're scared of what people will think and if you may not find another job.

But I've got a quote for you that will help you get out of that.

Problems create progress.

If you don't have any problems in your life, you're not progressing.

You need to solve things.

That's what we were made for.

We have two feet, two hands and an amazing brain.

We were made to do and to create.

Solving problems is what builds our self efficacy and confidence.

So if you're scared of going to the gym, I urge you to jump aboard Team Brock Ashby and GO.

I'll solve the problems of what you will do in the gym, what you will eat and how you will improve your lifestyle and get results and you solve the problem of overcoming what people think.

A problem is just another opportunity to progress, don't forget that 😉

Hit the button here to join Team Brock Ashby and get results now!


Childhood Friend to New Zealand's Biggest Band 👨🏻‍🎤


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