Rigorous Work Can Get You More Than A 6-Pack ๐Ÿคจ

Ryan Holiday, one of my favourite authors was on the Joe Rogan Podcast recently.

My favourite books from him would have to be 'The Obstacle is The Way' (which I ironically read when I was broke, what an obstacle ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ) and 'Ego is the Enemy'.

Both amazing boks you should check out if you want some great self development.

He dropped this gem today and it explains what I call The Ripple Effect, which is when the hard work you put in to your workouts has a ripple effect into other areas of your life.

Which is something that I have experienced, and where my work ethic was birthed from, but also what every single one of my clients have experienced too.

"We treat the body rigorously so that it will not be disobedient to the mind."

If we voluntarily put ourself through hard physical work like squats, deadlifts and split squats etc, when our mind needs us to sit down and study or go to work, it becomes easier to do so because we are more comfortable with "hard work".

Not only are you bettering yourself physically but mentally, you are becoming more resilient and sharper.

Two birds with one stone.

Or should I say one click?

Hit the button here to select your Team Brock Ashby program to get your body transformation and get to that hard work I was talking about.

P.s. Did you know we have a sale on now? Discounted prices on all TBA guides to celebrate the End Of Financial Year!


The One Rule I Live By ๐Ÿ‘‘


What it would be like if I was your Dad ๐Ÿ˜ณ