Complainer? No, no, no.

Today on my insta live I was asked what my pet peeve was.

Life stopped for a second and there was so many thoughts that flashed through my mind.

People that smell like B.O (body odour).

People that leave their dumbbells all over the gym floor.


People that speak foreign languages around me and I know they're talking behind my back.

People that think Nike is better than Adidas (not really but really).

There was heaps of thoughts but the one that came out of my mouth was...



There's nothing worse than sitting down and just hearing someone complain and whinge.

What a drag to be around, seriously.

I get it if you need to get something off your chest. Get it off.

I get it if you genuinely disagreed with something and have constructive feedback about it. Let me know.

Otherwise, just shut up.

Like my dad would say, "If you have nothing good to say, don't say it."

Complainers are drainers.

We have to be careful about our environment because it dictates who we become.

If we spend it with complainers, more than likely, you'll become a complainer too.

Complainers are usually filled with excuses, it often goes a bit like this...

"Oh my gosh Laura, I've had a PT for 3 weeks now and I still haven't lost weight. He's useless!"

"Have you been following everything he set you? Like the meal plan and the program?

"Yeah pretty much, life just gets so busy you know? Plus I have a full time job, a social life and have to eat out at lunch because that's what we all do at work, so I've been doing my nutrition by myself."

If you are complaining, you have two options:

1) Put up with it and be quiet (stop complaining).

2) Make a change (focus on the solution).


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