How To Define Wrong Vs. Right
Subject: How To Define Wrong Vs. Right
Just because it isn't wrong, doesn't mean it's right.
This email might hurt a bit but needs to be heard by many.
If you have friends that don't ask how you "really" are and don't provide you with when you need them most, it's not wrong to have them in your life but that doesn't mean it's right. It's nice to have friends but are they really your friends? The type that genuinely care. You may need to get some new ones.
If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend that doesn't support your ambitions in life and doesn't offer to pick you up from the airport when you have no one else to get you, it's not wrong to be with them but that doesn't mean it's right. Sure, it's nice to have someone around to get that 'human touch' but make sure it's the right human.
If you have a job that pays the bills and puts food on the table for your family but makes you miserable and despise waking up, it's not wrong to work there but it doesn't mean it's right. Happiness and mental health is way too important to be sacrificed for monetary gain. Money is essential for life, we all know that, but there is a difference between surviving and living. We weren't created to scrape by and survive, we were created to live.
If you have a workout program that you're following in the gym that gives you a guideline to follow and a sense of purpose, it's not wrong but if it isn't giving you the results you want, i'm sorry but it's not right. The right program gets you results. The right program gives you a return on the time investment you put into working out.
Doing things for the sake of doing things breeds stagnancy, boredom and lack of fulfilment.
For the better of you and your future, always do what is right.
The right thing to do is always the best thing to do.
Brock Ashby, 2019