Put It On The Bench Or Throw It At The Door
Hadn't taken creatine for about 4 weeks today.
Felt the effects of not taking it, felt a bit weaker in the gym and wasn't recovering all to well but the lack of sleep wasn't helping with that.
I hadn't taken it for so long because well, I just simply... forgot.
I would never remember to open the cupboard and put 5g in a drink then knock it back.
So I had an outstanding idea today.
Today I took it out of the cupboard and put it on the bench.
It turns out common sense, isn't that common.
It reminds me of the time back in high school when my friend Miharo told me that if he needs to remember to take something to school in the morning, he throws in front of his bedroom door.
That way he has to physically walk past it or even over it to get to school, so he doesn't forget it.
If he needed to remember his math book, he would throw it from his bed to the door.
It was the same if he needed to remember his P.E (Physical Education) clothes. At the door it went.
This is not rocket science, just simple and practical advice that really works.
Like the type of coaching you get in Team Brock Ashby.