Stop Changing Diapers And Put One On Yourself
Today I e-mailed a client back about how to get better at chin ups.
She can already do 4 without assistance but wants to do more.
How do you get better at chin ups? Do more chin ups.
In fitness, the new trend is making things sound way more complicated than it is.
This confuses the listener (often the general population) and makes the person saying the bullshit fitness blah blah sound really smart.
But that means they are talking TO you, not FOR you.
Anyway, that's another story for another email.
This email to my client got my brain ticking...
As a baby, how do we get better at walking? We walk.
How do we get better at talking? We talk (well, try to).
How do we get better at not shitting our pants? We try no to shit our pants as much.
How do we get better at eating with a knife and fork? We eat with our knife and fork.
In training, the same principle applies.
If you want to get better at something, there is no substitute for doing that specific thing.
That doesn't deny the fact that accessory work isn't beneficial but it will never be the replacement for the real thing.
If you want to get better at talking to people, talk to people in the elevators and at the checkout kiosk when you're grocery shopping.
If you want to get better at sex. I'm sorry, masturbation just doesn't cut it. Do the deed.
If you want to get better at being generous. Start paying for dinner and buying people random gifts.
If you want to be smarter. Read more books instead of watching brain numbing 'Love Island' and 'The Bachelor' reality TV.
If you want to become more knowledgeable in a certain subject, stop listening to music when you workout and listen to a podcast on that subject of interest.
It's crazy how we have so much courage and common sense as babies but as an adult find it so easy to cave in when it gets hard and search for something else to do to avoid doing the exact thing we know we should do.
So put your diaper back on and keep trying.
If you need to confront your body transformation, I'm here to help.
I may not tell you want you want to hear but everyone else in your life sugarcoats everything and puts sparkly sprinkles on top.
I tell you what you need to hear.