5 Things To Seriously Think About
Today I’ve had a few messages and I want to share 5 tips to save you frustration and time being upset:
Look at your net weight lost over the week. If you gain 1 kilo overnight, it can easily be lost the next day. Even if you gain 2 kilos overnight, it will come back down. If you it’s "that time of the month" and you gain 3 kilos and have a bloated stomach, it will pass and you will return to your normal weight.
Fat burners won’t make you lose weight. A calorie deficit will make you lose weight, not an OXYSHRED. I may take a fat burner when I can’t get a coffee as there’s caffeine in it but I don’t rely on it for fat burning, that’s what my nutrition and training do. Supplements are icing on the cake and you can’t ice a cake that hasn’t been baked.
You’re not a failure if you’re overweight. You’re the same person. Underneath that excess fat you want to get rid of, is an amazing person created for a great purpose. Say you do drop that body fat down to 15% body fat, are you a success now? NO. You have just changed your body composition. Sure, you may have set a goal and smashed it, that’s awesome! RESPECT but you are still the same person. You still have 24hours in a day like everyone else. You still fart, you still trip on the floor in public areas. You are still human.
Take responsibility. If you have stuffed up on your diet, messed up in your training and aren’t sleeping enough.... you are responsible. Take ownership for you actions and move on. I have seen a rise in people becoming snowflakes, not taking ownership for their actions and pointing the finger to others. The sooner you take ownership, the sooner it is your fault, the sooner you can make a change. No one is perfect.
Talk to someone. If you’re facing something, I can almost guarantee someone has had a similar problem or is in the current situation. If I’m your coach , email me. Let’s talk. I’m all about health and fitness but never at the detriment of your life. Happiness is the ultimate success.
Brock Ashby, 2019