Why Life Is Exactly Like An Escape Room
Yesterday Kiki booked part 2 of my birthday celebrations in an Escape Room.
I'd heard about them before but had never done one.
We were investigating a crime scene.
There were several clues and several locks that had to be opened.
There were different ways of thinking that were required and different objects that needed to be found.
This was the main strategy we used to escape:
1) collect all information and clues
2) determine what goals needed to be achieved first
3) find appropriate information for the most important goals
4) achieve goals in order of priority
Let's get really metaphorical for a minute...
The escape room is your life.
Our life is full of information that we need to organise and make sense of.
Once we have done that, we use that info to achieve the goals we think are most important to us at that time and place in our life.
If you look in the mirror and think you need more muscle.
According to the information you have received from the mirror, you lack muscle.
With that information, your goal is to build muscle.
If you check your bank and you see debt, according to the information your bank statement has told you, you lack finances.
With that information, your goal is to get some money in that bank of yours.
If you have a birthday party and everyone cancels last minute to do something else, according to the attendees of your party, you have "friends" that don't value you.
With that information, your goal is to get better friends (let's be honest, real friends don't bail on your birthday last minute).
Now you see what goals are most important:
1) Make some money.
2) Get some "REAL" friends.
3) Build some muscle.
Now you achieve your goals in order of priority.
Trying to achieve all of your goals at once doesn't work.
It leads to slow and painful progress.
You don't tick anything off and end up giving up.
Although life should not be a room that you want to escape, it's definitely a place full of information that has the clues to achieve everything you desire to.
It's your responsibility to retrieve all the info you need and solve your problems in the order necessary for your success.
Whatever that may be.