How To Stop Being Bored

The last couple of nights have been late...

Have I been working? Yes

Have I been playing Mario kart Nintendo switch? YES!

The last couple of nights, my brother, Cam, Jordan and I have been jamming the Nintendo Switch for an hour or two.

Because it’s fun and challenging.

Why are the first 3-6 months of a relationship the best? It’s fun and challenging.

Why are the first 3-6 months of a job the best? It’s fun and challenging.

Why do people get results in an 8 week body transformation challenge? It’s fun and challenging.

It’s easy to get results in a short period of time but can you maintain them when it’s just challenging (not fun and challenging)?

Can you still workout after the novelty of a workout program has rubbed off?

Will you stick with your girlfriend even when it’s not fun and you have to sort out some deep personal issues together?

You gonna stick around mate?

When it’s not fun any more but still just as challenging, the thing that’ll get you through is accountability.

When your job starts to suck, you talk to your manager. Set goals, talk about the future of your career and all of a sudden it’s fun again.

When your relationship gets hard, you talk to your best friend, mentor or parents about how to tackle issues and you get through it.

What about your results in the gym? They need loving too.

That’s why in Team Brock Ashby you can get a premium membership and have your workouts created for you, progress and results watched over and feedback weekly on how you’re going.

Pretty much.

When things get shitty (not fun and challenging), we’ll pick you up.

When you don’t stick to your diet, we make changes.

When your workouts are too long, we shorten them.

When you stop submitting photos, we let you know you’re being slack.

And it all starts with a free trial in the link below where you have access to all the features and a taste of what it could be like to finally get the results you wanted and maintain them (when it’s not fun but still challenging) 😉


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