Yesterday I was on the phone to ANZ for over 30mins to close three bank accounts.

I use two bank accounts, I'm a simple man.

But I had five accounts, three of which were robbing me of a total of $30 month.

$360 a year.

$3600 over 10 years.

We're not talking about TONS OF MONEY but we're talking about money that can be used elsewhere.

Coffees, gifts for others, Christmas presents etc.

You see, there are some things in life that we just don't need.

Like Protein powder.

$90 per tub and brings no additional benefit if our protein target is hit through whole foods.

Like BCAA's.

$60 a tub that'll last just over a month and bring no return if our protein target is hit.

Like Glutamine.

A supplement that has minimal return for the investment cost.

Maybe for you it's that box of cigarettes you don't need to buy.

It's that Netflix subscription you never use.

It's that pair of shoes you never wear.

There's a lot of things we waste our money on like having pointless bank accounts we never use but one thing money is never wasted on is our health.

Yes, Team Brock Ashby costs money to be a part of but let's get it straight.

Paying to transform your body is way better than paying for 3 dormant bank accounts, a Netflix subscription that's never used and any t-shirt or pair of shoes you will ever wear.

There's nothing sexier than wearing a body that you are proud of.


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