Why You're Not Getting What You Want In Life

It's common and okay to be scared.

Outside of our comfort zone is a place that is unknown where nothing is safe because nothing is guaranteed.

It's new.

Many clients that sign up and Join Team Brock Ashby admit that they're scared.

I also get tons of DM's of people on Instagram scared to join Team Brock Ashby because of this exact reason but many of them are scared to go the gym or scared to start a diet/workout program because so many times they have tried and failed.

But what do you get if you don't try?


What do you get when you try?


1) Success, sense of achievement and a breathe of self belief back into the sail.

2) Failure, an opportunity to grow and a learning of how to do better next time.

Think of it this way...

If you do nothing you achieve nothing.

If you do something, you get one of two things. A win or a learn.

"There’s more honor in defeat than there is in unused potential."

As tough as it gets, sitting there with your thumb in your mouth results in nothing good.

Nothing life changing happened being paralyzed by fear, only with action.


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