I'm A Failure (And Proud)!

A few thoughts on failure:

"Stop looking for angels and start looking for angles."

If you're hoping for a miracle, let me tell you now. It ain't happening. Think creatively to find a solution you haven't thought of yet. Even better, brainstorm with others.

"Failure puts us in corners we have to think ourselves out of."

Failure promotes creativity and resourcefulness. We are forced to come up with results once we need them to climb out of failure.

"A failure felt with our own two hands is much more valuable than a failure seen with our own two eyes."

You can read as many books as you like and ask as many questions as you need to. However, failing on your own cannot be recreated.

"A failure that isn’t learnt from, remains a failure. A failure that is, becomes a lesson."
B. Ashby, 2020


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