Sorry Bill Gates, I Disagree...
Right about now, we're all discovering how long a day is.
When you're commuting to work, working, working out, commuting back home then eating dinner, as soon as you check your watch it's time for bed.
Now we don't even leave the bed until we have to eat breakfast, or put a shirt on for the zoom meeting.
We don't really have to be anywhere atm (unless you're lucky enough to have your job).
If we're working from home, we just have to get things done by the end of the day.
But now that we don't have to commute, sit in stupid meetings or pick up the kids from school, we have more time.
And when we have free time, our true character shows because we do what we want.
If we want to see friends, that's what we usually do.
If we want to watch TV, we do that.
I can be that person alllllll day.
Movies, junk food, lazing, tanning, sleeping.
I love it. I really do.
It's just that the person that I want to be doesn't allow me to do that.
I choose to make myself busy and be productive.
I have too many things to achieve to laze around all day.
If you want to get something done, ask a busy person to do it.
I want to be that guy.
That guy that gets the thing done.
The more you do, the more you can do.
When I feel like laying down and doing nothing for a bit, it's not that I don't want to do it...
It's just that the future me that I want to be is screaming at me in my head to get off my ass and do what I need to get done to become him.
I know Bill Gates said that you should give a hard job to a lazy person because they'll find the easiest way to do it.
But not in this case Mr. 'Co-Founder of Microsoft'.
If you want to be what you want to be you need to do what you need to do, not what you want to do.
So you have a choice...
Do what you want to do or do what you need to do.
Not for you, we suck at doing things for ourselves.
But for the future you that you want to be.