Poo In Your Pants, Booga's On Your Finger

It's quite a shame that as we mature in our older, yet wiser, years as humans we care more and more about what people think about us.

"I'm not driving that car, can you imagine what I'll look like?"

"I'm not leaving the house like this."

"OMG, I look soooo fat!" - even when you don't.

Do you remember the days when you didn't care?

I do.

Orange bangs, mighty ducks jumper and a bright yellow bicycle.  If there was any combo repel girls, I was the combo master.  The Big Mac of McDonalds for repelling girls 😂#BestSeller  I really didn't care.  Just remember before you start picturing …

Orange bangs, mighty ducks jumper and a bright yellow bicycle.

If there was any combo repel girls, I was the combo master.

The Big Mac of McDonalds for repelling girls 😂#BestSeller

I really didn't care.

Just remember before you start picturing what people will think of you...

Everyone has shit their pants.

Everyone has picked their nose and ate it.

And everyone has had a hideous haircut.

We're all the same.

Whether we're famous, rich, black, white, yellow or poor.

And if you're still so worried about what people think about you, then use it as motivation to be better.

Deep down we all have stuff we need to work on.

Whether it's self esteem, confidence, losing a couple of kilos or simply feeling confident naked.

If you're not at the stage where you're doing it for yourself, do it for the people's opinions.


Soon you'll be strong enough to do it for you but if you want to prove your high school friends wrong, go on.

If you want to show your partner that you can finish things that you start, go on.

If you want to be more shredded than your friends, go on.

Starting is better than thinking of starting.


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The Only Voice That Can Kick Me Out Of My Own House