Hollywood, Here We Come!
Today Allana spread a rumor to some local Philippine people that I was a Hollywood actor.
They believed her.
They were asking me, "What is your next film?"
"How long have you been acting for?"
"How long are you in the Philippines for?"
I thought of running with it for a laugh and to feel like a Hollywood star for just a moment of my life but I said to them, that I was just a trainer.
A personal trainer.
But they refused to believe me, they believed what they wanted to believe!
So to them, they met a Hollywood star travelling the world living the dream.
They didn't even know my name or if I was a real actor (I CANNOT ACT) but they had an image in their head what a famous actor looked like and apparently that was me! #lolz
They then asked for photos.
The daughter.
The mother.
The father.
The friends.
They bombarded me.
Now, I love taking photos with people and never, ever take it for granted but I felt like a fraud!
The lack of knowledge they had, the assumptions they had formed and the hype of the crowd that was around on Ditaytayan Island made them believe a small white lie even when provided with the truth...
"Get abs instantly from only 6 minutes of working out!"
"Lose 10kg in 10 days with this lemon and water detox diet!"
"Drink this Skinny Tea to help burn that fat you just can't get rid of!"
It makes me sick.
These statements may be true but they keep people from knowing the reason "WHY" these results may be achieved.
Don't be so daft that you believe everything that is thrown at you like the Philippine locals were.
Don't get caught in the hype of the "keto" movements, "6-minute workout" tricks and "intermittent fasting" fads.
Educate yourself and you will know for yourself, what works for your body, lifestyle and goals.
Educate yourself on the fundamentals of why these diets may work or may not work.
Brock Ashby, 2019