One Thousand Dollar$ In 10 Weeks
Over the last 10 weeks, I have been selling things in our house that Kiki and I haven't been using.
Shoes, tables, drawers, agility ladders, foam rollers etc inspired from my mate Jamal.
He said something along the lines of "you're living on dead money", if I remember right.
To be honest I was just going to throw them away, so why not try to sell them.
Over a $1000 later, it was well worth it even though it took 10 weeks.
$20 for shoes, $100 for a table, $50 for gym equipment all added up.
Small transactions every now and then have added up to a significant change.
And even though it's not a house deposit, it's a few groceries paid for, its a full tank of gas, it's a night out at a restaurant or a portion to help pay rent week to week.
Sounds familiar right?
200g weight loss one week, 800g gained over night or maybe you don't see a visible difference for a couple of weeks.
After 8 weeks that can add up to 8kg lost.
You could be sitting on "dead fat to be lost".
Start with a small couple of transactions of eating less and moving more for stuffing your face and being sedentary and your results will continue to compound like my $1000 did.
It all started with me listing the items for sale.
So in this case, your future self at your dream body is just waiting for you to get started.