How I Became A Math’s Whizz ➗
When I was a kid and I got told off by my parents, I would go to my room and cry in the cupboard where my blankets were.
A cupboard full of sleeping bags, blankets and pillows.
After I had a sook and nap in there, I would come out and clean my room to take my mind off things.
Once I cleaned my room, I would sit on the floor and stare at my cupboard door that I just came from.
On the back of my door were my times tables.
From 1x1 to 12x12.
I would sit there and study them.
For hours as a kid I would study multiplication.
Even today, if you ask my any multiplication under 12x12 and I'll have your answer in an instant.
Not the most impressive party trick but a key reminder that you get better at what you practice.
We cannot lose weight without practicing a calorie deficit.
We cannot get good at shooting three-pointers if we don't spend time on the basketball court.
We cannot be happy if we don't practise gratitude.
We cannot get good at working hard and being patient if we don't work hard or be patient.
We are good at what we practice.
So simple, yet so overlooked.
You practice sleeping late and waking up early, you get really good at being cranky, feeling tired and making shitty decisions all day, that you'll wish you didn't.
Three year later, you're nowhere close to the person you want to be.
Practice who you want to be and that is who you'll be.
The earlier you practice, the earlier you get better.