How To Get Inspired By Anything
My dad is a warrior.
He is the source of where I find the ability to 'dig deep' when it comes to work.
He wakes up at 3/4am every day and works anywhere from 10-12 hours straight.
If he's tired, he'll work without complaint.
If he's feeling a little off, he's still there.
If his ankle is sprained, he will hop.
He's forced to take sick days by his boss because he always shows up, rolls up his sleeves and gets the work done.
Someone slid into my DM's saying they wish they had someone to aspire to and draw inspiration from but the truth is, we all do.
When you look at the stars, you can aspire to stand out like them in an environment of darkness.
When you look at flowers, you can be inspired by the way they flourish with their bright petals without care of what other flowers are doing.
When you look at an elderly person crossing the road, you can aspire to still be working just as hard when you're their age, or even just waking up and giving it your best shot as a retired grandmother/grandfather.
You can read books and be inspired by the words of countless authors, watch TEDx talks and be inspired by the ideas of thousands of communicators, like I did when I moved out of home and lived on my own with a car full of belongings and a heart full of self belief.
Inspiration is never out of sight, we just need to be looking in the right place.
And looking at what you don't have and being ignorant to what you do have, is a sure sign you are not looking in the right place.
Where are you looking?