Losing Weight 4 Ca$h
A company recently slid into my e-mails and invited me to partner with them.
They asked me to collaborate with them where I would invite my audience to join me on a transformational journey.
I would coach them.
I would promote my services
They would bet money against themselves and if they succeeded in losing a certain percentage of their bodyweight, they got their money back and some.
I would get a cut of money somehow but I think you can guess what I said to them...
Money should not be a motivator!
If you're trying to use money to motivate someone you're leading them down a losing road.
It may work once, or twice.
But what if they're no longer motivated by money?
Or what if they have all the money they want... What will drive them now?
All you've done is taught someone how to be money hungry.
How about motivating someone by getting results?
How about motivating someone by educating them how to change their lifestyle for life?
How about motivating someone by staying accountable to them week by week in the trenches of a calorie deficit?
Oh yeah... That's what I do in the 8 Week Team Brock Ashby Body Transformation Program.