Finding The Black Swan Of Fat Loss

I've almost finished a book called 'Never Split The Difference' written by an ex FBI negotiator.

He talks about finding the black swans in the negotiations that can help you get leverage on who you are negotiating with.

These black swans are not the deals you may be talking about (they would be the white swans) but the things written in between the lines that give you context to how you can get what you want.

For example, if you are dealing with someone selling a house that needs a car (black swan alert), you could offer them a lower price and a set of wheels to get the price you want.

These black swans can give you leverage to help you win.

And I feel like I have found the black swan of fat loss.

The mighty calorie deficit.

Most personal trainers are talking about:
- intermittent fasting
- the keto diet
- low carbs
- adding fasted cardio to your workout

But what they really need to be talking about is how the principle of the calorie deficit is what makes us lose fat/weight and the way we can do that, the method, is up to the individuals preference.

I'm not here to sell you a diet or a workout plan.

I'm here to sell you leverage on your results.

Context behind how you will achieve your goal.

Knowledge to guide you much longer than the 8 weeks we will spend together.

But I've only told you about the black swan of fat loss...

Imagine if you knew the black swans of building muscle, long term results, adherence and changing your lifestyle to get the best transformation you have ever had.

There's a bevy of black swans to be discovered.
Bevy: the collective name for a group of swans.

Don't look at the Team Brock Ashby 8 Week Program as an online personal training program, look at it as a pond.

A pond where only black swans swim.


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