Chicken Breast With A Side Of Broccoli and Boredom

There’s many methods to transform your body and change how you look.

Calorie deficit, calorie surplus, progressive overload, cardio, F45.

The list is huge.

Hard work, consistency, patience and all of that.

But the real challenge is transforming your body and preserving quality of life.

Dieting and keeping your happiness.

Working out and keeping your joy for exercising.

Shredding and keeping your sex drive.

Building muscle without getting too fat and letting that effect your confidence.

Anyone can lose weight on a calorie deficit but not everyone can enjoy life while doing it.

That takes knowledge.

Anyone can optimise building muscle in a calorie surplus but not everyone can maintain high levels of self esteem and confidence as their body fat/bodyweight increases.

That takes precision.

Progress is easy to see on the outside but don’t forget to measure the progress that you make inside and your internal markers of mental health and happiness.

Your mental health, your happiness, your relationships, your outlook on life, your confidence, your focus, your sex life.

All this is important.

Amazing things happen in the gym, or when you’re working out in your living room, but amazing things also happen outside of workouts, diets and looking good.

So if you think dieting looks like chicken breast, broccoli and quinoa.

If you think losing weight looks like hours on end on a treadmill.

You're wrong.

It doesn't have to be that boring and restrictive.

Let me show you how.

Not only to transform your body but your perspective on how to do it.


How I Proposed To Kiki, The Woman Of My Dreams


It's Not A Push, It's A Step