6 Facts That Will Change Your Diet Forever
Today someone came at me with some real absurdity.
"There is no calories in fruit, vegetables and legumes" and that anyone eating them will lose weight as long as they're in a calorie deficit and that eating donuts will lead to health issues, still feeling hungry and yo-yo dieting.
I had to read it twice.
And a third time.
And process what they actually said.
There's been a big kickback from the 30 Day Krispy Kreme Challenge to say the least but I'm grateful for it because it shows me what people think in regards to nutrition and how I can help them.
So I'm going to clarify a few points for you...
1. There are calories in vegetables, fruit and legumes. They are most probably lower than calories in processed foods however they still exist and still need to be tracked when calorie tracking.
2. You can gain weight eating fruits, vegetables and legumes if your calories reach a surplus.
3. You will lose weight eating any food in a calorie deficit, though doing that via whole and unprocessed foods may lead to you feeling more satiated and better in general.
4. Eating donuts will not lead to health issues. Eating too many doughnuts may but eating doughnuts on the odd occasion amongst a nutritious diet will not cause health issues.
5. Donuts may make you feel full and not hungry. This depends on the individual.
6. Donuts may actually save you form yo-yo dieting. A yo-yo diet consists of extreme restriction followed by extreme bingeing. If you take away that extreme restriction and allow yourself to eat the doughnut in a calorie deficit, it may actually stop you from wanting to binge because in a way you have satisfied your craving.
I'm not trying to position myself as an expert.
I'm not trying to be different for the sake of being different.
I'm trying to help the "lost 15 year old Brock who wouldn't touch a piece of fruit [let alone a flipping doughnut] because he was so scared of carbs and thought that they would make him fat" inside of every one.
I know what it's like to legitimately be afraid of doughnuts, cake, pizza and pasta.
I know what it's like to say "no" to going out for dinner with others because you're fearful of the menu.
I know what it feels like to workout when you get home from a dinner with friends/family because you feel guilty that you had dessert.
This 30 Day Challenge isn't for my ego.
It's to help you develop understanding around the value of food and what methods and strategies you can use to get the body transformation you desire whilst eating the foods you love.
Because I didn't think that was possible a few years ago.