As I get older I'm get better at saying "NO".

Brock, can you promote this t-shirt... NO.

Brock, do you want to sign with our supplement company... NO

Brock, let's do an interview on... NO

Brock, can you train... NO.

This isn't because I'm a selfish and obnoxious prick (but everyone is entitled their own opinion) but it's because I know what I want to do and where I want to be.

And I know that every decision I make is either a step towards who I want to be and what I want to do, or it's a step away from it.

I used to say yes to everything.

I trained everyone.

I promoted what I could get my hands on.

I just wanted to get "out there" but it was only because I didn't really know what I stood for and what my goals were.

If you don't have a reason to say no, you say yes.

If you haven't set a weight loss goal, there's no reason to substitute a healthier decision for a more calorie dense option.

If you aren't saving for anything, there's no reason to say "no" to that pair of shoes you probably shouldn't buy.

If you are tired of saying yes to things you want to say no to, you need to define what you want to say yes to.


First Time Wearing a Face Mask


I Couldn't Help Myself