Summer Sizzlin'
Today is almost 40 degrees (celsius) outside.
A crazy heat.
If you're planning on going to the beach, it'll probably be too hot.
If you plan on doing the gardening, you'll roast.
If you plan on tanning, you won't last long.
You see, the weather is a factor we cannot change.
But what we can change is how we still go about our day.
We can go to the gym (in aircon).
We can still workout in the living room, just put the aircon on.
We can still make food at home.
We can still study, see friends or zoom call family.
We can only control, what we can control.
It's easy to blame external factors but once you realise the internal factor is the biggest variable that needs to be focused on, progress will no longer sit on the shoulders of anything that is outside of your power.
But the power of your mindset.