Probz Not The Email For You

Today was a pretty big day, ngl.

5:45am wake up.

Posted content.

Was on my e-mails for 5 hours just to get them to zero.

Had a zoom session.

Wrote some personalised workout programs.

Cooked lunch.

Worked on something to help A LOT of people that will come out in 2021.

Had a huge leg workout.

Went for a walk with Kiki around the ocean and now I'm here writing this and emptying more emails.

Sometimes it's time to get motivated, inspired and feel all fluffy on the inside.

Sometimes it's time to roll up the sleeves and do the work.

Today was one of those days to shut up and do the work.

So if you need to get motivated, this isn't the email for you (sorry, maybe tomorrow).

But if you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work on your body transformation, I'm here.

Ready to go.

Ready to coach you to your goal body in 8 weeks.


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