You Know It, You're Just To Lazy To Fix It

I really want this to sink in so I'm going to keep it short.

A guy at the gym in Bondi asked for a spot on the bench press.

I saved him from choking on the barbell after his 3/5 reps then it was my turn to go.

But before I lifted I asked him a simple question.

"What program are you following?"

He said he didn't follow a program and that he just does what he feels.

Every now and then he'll do 5x5 (which is a strength protocol), 10x10 (GVT training) and for back, he does one workout that he's been doing since he started working out.

"How's that working for you?" I said.

He said he's just stayed the same and been in a plateau for a while.

"I know I should follow a program but... [insert excuses here]" he rambled.

He went on for a good two minutes about why he doesn't follow a program.

The thing is, he knew what he should have been doing but he wasn't doing it.

He is lazy.

He is lying to himself.

He is full of excuses.

Sound familiar?

You know you should be doing something but you don't?

I'm here to kick you in the ass and say stop being lazy.

You know you want to make a change in your body but you don't.

You've been lazy.

You've been lying to yourself,

And you've been making excuses.

That stops today.

Don't be the person who makes excuses, be the person who makes a change.

Brock :)


My View On Transformation Photos


The E-mail That I Never Sent...