10mins Of Exercise > 10mins Of Knowledge


This is not how you get abs.

This is how you workout your abs.

There's a difference.

This is the problem with photos like this floating around the internet, there's no context.

There's no talk about creating a consistent calorie deficit to drop your body fat, just do this workout.

There's no talk about getting adequate sleep for optimal performance and recovery just do this workout.

There's no talk about applying progressive overload through a workout routine that changes every 4-6 weeks, just do this bodyweight ab workout.

My self appointed role is to tell you that this is BS.

It takes 10mins to create a photo like this and get sucked into scams like this.

But it takes less than 10mins in Team Brock Ashby to watch my 'Calorie Deficit' Video to gain enough knowledge to understand how to actually get visible abs.

10mins of exercise vs 10mins of knowledge (that can change your life forever).

It's a bit of a no brainer really.


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