Clarity, Articulation & Visibility
"Everything clarified and articulated is made visible."
Another great quote from Jordan Petersen.
Many people come to me without knowing why they are failing at hitting their goals.
Not losing weight.
Not building muscle.
Not making progress etc.
And it's because the reason they are failing hasn't been made visible yet.
They don't know that they need to burn more calories than they consume to lose weight.
They don't know that they need to lift heavier. weight over time to build muscle.
They don't know that they have to track their progress to measure their progress.
The only way to get results is for your obstacles to be made visible.
So you know how to overcome them.
Which is all I do in Team Brock Ashby.
1) Show you the obstacles.
2) Teach you how to overcome the obstacles.
3) Educate you how to overcome them.