One of those days…
Today has been one of 'those' days.
They happen once a month, maybe once a fortnight and even once a week sometimes.
I haven't left my desk.
I've been here listening to string quartets doing covers of different songs all day while I get back to emails, write programs and do what needs to be done.
I'm not complaining at all.
I love my work and it's very fulfilling but the fact I've been here since 6:30am and I've not finished yet, may give you an idea of what a full on day I've had.
I was talking to Kiki last night, I knew it was going to be a big day.
So I got a good sleep, woke up and smashed it today.
That's all you can do, do what needs to be done.
Kinda like that feeling when you have to do a work out when you can't be bothered.
Roll up your sleeves and do it.
Kinda like when you have to write a daily email but want to go to the gym.
Just send it 😂😂😂
So here I am, showing up and getting it done.
Doing the work when I can't be ar$ed.
Are you going to do the same?
Roll up your sleeves.
There's never been a better time to do what needs to be done for your health and fitness.