1,000,000 Wrongs Don't Make A Right 😂
Most people think you can't eat ice cream and lose weight.
Most people think you need to 'live in the gym' to build muscle.
Most people think you need to eat salads every day to be healthy.
Most people think keto is the best diet for fat loss.
But just because most people say something, doesn't mean it's right.
If 1,000,000 people say that BCAA's are worth every dollar, that doesn't make it more right. That's just 1,000,000 wrong people 😂😂😂
Don't be like most people, be like the people who get it.
Be a Team Brock Ashby member where you have access to endless educational videos but two videos in particular that will bust open the myths of the training and nutrition world and help you get the results you've always wanted.
These two videos alone will save you years of failure and believing BS.