How To Stay Motivated By Making Your Bed 🤔

Yesterday I was asked on my insta stories how to stay motivated and develop discipline.

So, simply put, t​his is how you do it.

​​​​Waking up at 6am instead of snoozing.

​​Making your bed in the morning when you can't be arsed.

​​Training when you feel like $hit but know you should.

​​Studying anatomy when you want to watch TV.

​​This is what builds discipline.​

Taking action when you don't feel like taking action.

Discipline isn't given and taken away. It's developed over time.​ Built.​​

All that unsexy stuff that you can't be bothered doing, that you know you should do... that's how you do it.

​So stop waiting for the next wave of motivation to urge you to get off the couch and do something.

Do it now, when you don't feel like doing it.​

That's how you stay motivated and develop discipline.​


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