4 Things You Will Never Be Able To Change & Why You Wouldn't Want To!
"You have the power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius
A Built By Brock member dropped this into the facebook group today and it's really empowering.
We really can't control many things in this life.
Our genetics.
The time we have in a day.
The weather.
Our age.
The list is huge and we can't do anything about them.
But the fact that we have the power over our mind is all we need.
We don't need to change our genetics because we can choose to accept the way we are, embrace it and make the most of what our parents gave us.
We don't need to change the time we have in a day if we decide to manage our time well in a day.
We don't need to control the weather, when we know that we will show up rain hail or shine.
We don't need to change our age if we are making the most of every day that we have above ground.