Facts Friday: Why Babies Look like Their Fathers

Facts Friday: Why Babies Look like Their Fathers

There is an evolutionary theory, that I would call a fact, that states that when babies are born they resemble the father. So that the father will stick around and care for it.

Unlike the mothers, the fathers are not able to 100% tell if it is their baby. So looking like the father would encourage the father to stay put and protect and provide for the mother and baby.

Do you think my daughter looks like me?

With this in mind, I want you think of my Built By Brock Full Body Burn 8 Week Challenge as your daughter/son.

I have made the challenge imitate what you want to achieve, just so that you'll stick around with this whole fitness thing and nurture it.

A body transformation can literally change your life, like it has many of my clients.

Look at them here if you're interested.

Obviously it's in my best interest if you sign up and stick around for more Team Brock Ashby programs but frankly, I'm tired of people signing up to 8 week challenges from personal trainers and saying, "fitness isn't for me" and I want this to be different for you.

I want this challenge to be the child you won't abandon.

The child you'll love and look after forever.

Because fitness is for you.

Fitness is for everyone and it DOES WORK.

You just haven't had the right experience yet and haven't achieved the results you want to work.

So give it a chance, give yourself a chance and give my Full Body 8 Week Challenge a chance.

You will not regret it and if you ever did, there is a 3 day no-fuss refund.


Motivational Monday: Don't Just Make A Living, Make A Life 😍


Wisdom Wednesday - Why You're Soft