Facts Friday: Blue Belt Quitters 😤

After 519 days of training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I got my Blue Belt.

I'm so excited to be here after competing at White Belt and winning the Sydney Open.

I'm ready to take a year or so off competing to get A LOT better.

Next belt is purple, then brown and then black.

I love that every progression, whether it be a stripe or a belt, in Jiu Jitsu is not because of one event, one submission or one awesome training session on the mats.

It’s about showing up to training and grinding away.

Getting better, getting stronger, getting more fluid, supporting the people around you and always pushing your boundaries.

If you were in it for the belt, you wouldn't last long.

There's no recognition, or pats on the back, there is endless work.

You have to be process-driven as opposed to

The Friday Fact today is that Blue Belt is where most of the people that quit Jiu Jitsu, quit.

You're not a beginner anymore, so no one is going to take it easy on you.

You're aware of how much hard work it is to get a belt progression and know that you have years to go before you progress to purple. It's depressing.

You might think you're pretty good now and can relax.

It's the same pattern I see when people lose their first five kilograms.

They get lazy.

They train a bit less with a bit less zeal.

They slip in to old habits.

So hear out my piece of advice for you today.

Focus on the process and not the outcome.

Outcomes will come as a result of the process but processes will not come if you just focus on the outcome.

If you're only worried about losing 5kg and not getting good sleep, great workouts in and tracking your calories and macros, you're not process-driven. And although you may still reach your goal, you will not go further than your goal because you have no systems and processes in place to continue to propel you further.

Outcomes get you far, processes get you further.

Use my programs by hitting the button below, to develop your processes. So not only will you get results but you will know how to sustain them forever.


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