Motivation Monday: Failure, Regrets & Opportunity Cost
Hey mate,
Brock here.
I just read this quote about three minutes ago and have to share it with you.
"Most failures are one-time costs. Most regrets are recurring costs. The pain of inaction stings longer than the pain of incorrect action." - James Clear
I have had a lot of what most people would look at as failures.
I left my hometown to live in a city which I had no family in, to sleep on couches for months while I found a place to live and a job.
I tried to be a professional singer, had a glimmer of hope and failed.
I tried to be a professional model, got no work.
I tried to be a professional TV presenter, didn't get call back after one season.
I even felt I have failed many times as a man after ending up broke multiple times in my adult life (not that long ago).
But if I didn't experience these failures, I wouldn't be who I am today.
I wouldn't have the thick skin I have.
I wouldn't have the confidence to say ''yes" when an opportunity arises.
One thing many people don't see is something called opportunity cost.
Which is the cost of saying no to something.
For example, if you dodge a first date because you're too tired to go. The opportunity cost could be meeting the woman of your dreams.
And if you don't click the button below, you could be pushing back finally getting the results you deserve.