Motivation Monday: Why Women Stay In Unhappy Relationships

Let's get right to the point today.

"People stay in relationships because moderate pain for a long period of time is easier than high pain for a short amount of time."

This is why many women stay in abusive relationships. The pain of loneliness and not being loved for a short amount of time is more painful than the constant abuse.

This is similar to why people follow the same workout program and get little, to no, results.

It's easier to coast ands go through the motions, than it is to confront the problem, take time to organise a plan, maybe even hire a coach, and then execute it.

So take this as a wake up call to the fact that if something isn't challenging you, you're probably not growing from it.

"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."


Wednesday Wisdom: Really? That Is What You're Scared Of?


Warning: This Email Is Gross 🤢