Wednesday Wisdom: Are You Negative? Me Too 🤷🏻‍♂️

Have you ever wondered why you tend to focus on negative things as opposed to positive things?

Why we focus on how much money we don't have as opposed to how much we have

Why we think tings will go wrong instead of right?

You might think you're a negative person but you're not.

You're a completely normal person with a negativity bias.

The negativity bias is a cognitive bias that refers to the tendency for people to pay more attention to, and give more weight to, negative information or stimuli than positive information or stimuli.

Truth is most humans have this bias.

If we didn't, we would hear a rustle in the bushes and say, "it's all going to be okay", and get eaten by a bear.

If we didn't, we would see a bunch of clouds in the sky and say, "it's fine", proceed to take the boat out and get swept out and flipped into the deep blue ocean.

If we didn't, we would get into a submarine controlled by above the ocean to insane depths to see what's left of the Titanic. Oh wait...

You see where I'm going with this?

We need this negativity bias to question our way through life.

So right now, I want you to question what you're doing for your health and fitness and if it working for you at the moment.

Are you getting stronger?

Are you getting more muscular?

Is your quality of life improving?

If you aren't happy with the answers of these three questions, hit the button below and turn your situation around with a Team Brock Ashby program by hitting the button below!


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