Facts Friday: Obesity Statistics In America

Let me hit you with some simple facts tonight because it's 1am here in Sydney.

Obesity impacts 40% of adults in the USA and 20% of children.

This is only for obese people also, there are also people that aren't obese but are overweight.

As you can see, what a lot of people are doing is not working.

If you are not intentional about your physical activity, nutrition and lifestyle, it is very hard to stay afloat in this hyper processed, sedentary life that we are almost encouraged to live.

I want you to think about one simple think that you can do to move your situation forward to a healthier version of you.

Can you walk to work instead of drive?

Can you start to skip work snacks that you don't 'need' to eat?

Can you increase how many vegetables you eat?

Can you look at beginning resistance training?

Whatever you can do, I encourage you to do it and beat the statistics.

Brock 💪


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