Wednesday Wisdom: Can't Sleep? Here's Why

This is going to be an ironic email coming from a sleep deprived father of a young daughter but here are three very simple tips for better sleep.

  1. Sleep and wake at the same time every day.

    Have you ever wondered why you still feel tired after sleeping late even though you still got your 8 hours?

    It's because of this reason.

    We want to sleep and wake at the same time every day to help our body adjust to this timetable. Extra bonus points, if you can align this with the natural circadian rhythm of sleep when the sun goes down and wake when the sun comes up btu for some people this is not realistic, at all.

  2. Sleep in your bed. Don't work, don't watch TV.

    Your bed is for sleep and intimacy.

    It is not an office, nor is it a couch to chill on.

    Your body can begin to associate certain activities with certain areas of the house.

    Dining table is where you eat. Couch is where you chill. Garage is where you workout. Bathroom is were you poop and shower. Same goes with where you sleep. Protect that space if you want restorative and deep sleep without lying there for hours wondering why you can't sleep.

  3. Exercise daily.

    You don't need to hit PB's in the gym every day but physical exertion throughout the day can help fatigue you and prepare you for better and restorative sleep.

    This could be hitting the gym but it could also be doing yoga, rolling on the mats with a Jiu Jitsu class, going for a walk amongst nature, swimming in the ocean or going for a hike in the bush.

    Put simply, exhaust yourself so that you get tired enough to sleep when you hit the hay.

If you're not sure what sort of workouts you can do within that daily exercise, hit the button below and follow the guidance of a personal trainer who has been doing it for over 8 years now (me 😂).

You have workouts to build muscle, lose fat and get strong!


6 Tips I Use To Get Shredded 🔥


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