Wisdom Wednesday: Why You Should Care That I Put Logos In My Gym


Today, The Team Brock Ashby Bodyquarters is being wrapped with branding.


The more you see something, the more it will sit in your thoughts and subconscious mind.

When you think of workouts, gyms, personal trainers and fitness, I want you to think of Team Brock Ashby.

So every time a client comes into the gym to train and every video and photo that is taken in here, will contribute to my business being remembered.

That's why when you see the golden arches you think of McDonalds, or when you see a swoosh you think of Nike. Their branding is their external representation of their business.

Humans are such a product of their environment, you would be silly not to try to be remembered by putting your logo around.

Our environment literally determines who we are and I know that if Team Brock Ashby is contributing to your environment, you will be better off for it.

Think of when you walk into someones room and they have vision boards on their wall or inspirational quotes in lipstick on their mirror. Their environment gives you an idea that the person is ambitious and wants to achieve goals.

On the contrary, think of a person with a messy room with unfolded clothes on the floor, dishes on the bedside table topped off with an unmade bed.

Our environment says a lot about us.

So what does your environment say about you? What does the branding for your fitness look like?

Do you hit snooze and roll over or get about of bed because you have to get sh*t done?

Every decision you make adds a layer to the environment that you create.

I guess the realy question is, are you PROUD of your branding?

If yes, I'll see you on Friday for the next motivational email.

If no, hit the link below and join Team Brock Ashby.

Change your branding!


Facts Friday: Why I Abandoned My Singing Career


Motivation Monday: 2 Types Of People