Motivation Monday: 2 Types Of People

Motivation is something that fleets.

It spikes when you lose weight, it drops when you gain weight.

It increases when you have a great sleep, it decreases when you can't get your 8 hours.

And I'm going to be honest here...

The last few weeks, I have not been the most motivated person.

But I have been a disciplined person.

Staying up to midnight to do the necessary work.

Waking up at 5am to write programs, emails and edit videos.

Working out when sleep deprived and hungry (currently cutting).

Let me share something with you.

Motivated people will last days and weeks. Disciplined people will last months and years.

The bigger goal you are trying to achieve, the more time you will need to achieve it.

Therefore, the disciplined person will always achieve much more than the motivated person.

Which one are you?


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